This is not an ordinary dance bag!!

March 01, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Can anyone please tell me where February went???  I cannot believe we are already in March!   Just yesterday I was telling you all about how well prepared I am going to be for this upcoming Albuquerque dance competition.  Now with only a couple weeks away it feels like if I don’t put the peddle-to-the-metal and get my stuff together history, yet again, will repeat itself.   I REFUSE to let that happen!!!
I have a check list of all the things I need or need to replace and am making all my on line orders by the end of this week. 

 1) The last competition I used Nude color garment bags for Leyla’s costumes.  I have decided to invest in clear garment bags so I could see each costume rather than digging through every bag to find the right costume (and yes, it is always the last one I look in).
2)  I need to replace my rolling clothes rack that I use to hang all Leyla’s costumes on.  The one I used last year is a complete joke!!  I did not get the cheapest, but rather the middle priced Single Garment Rack at Target.  This garment rack is difficult to roll around and it falls apart easily, it also has lots of small parts making it difficult to assemble and take down.  I’m sure I entertained a lot of the mom’s last year trying to operate the garment rack without it falling apart! (Soo embarrassing).   I felt a little better when I noticed some mom’s had nothing to hang their costumes on.  Then there were the super experienced dance moms who were smart and got the expressive garment rack and had no problem were rolling the rack around, or with pieces of it falling off.  At the end of the day the Single Garment Rack is a not a good one to purchase for any kind of traveling.  The rack was given an early retirement from the entertainment world and is now being used to hang cloths up that come right out of the dryer ,so I guess it was not a total loss.

I was doing a goggle search on garments bags and I found a site called Stage Studio Dancewear website. I found this kick butt dance bag.  This is not an ordinary dance bag but is a Dream Duffel Medium Package!!  I know you may be thinking, so what???  But take a look at this bag! For anyone traveling that needs/wants to know what is in the bag before they open it it’s like a dream come true.  It’s everything I need in one.  The only problems is I’m not sure if I going a little over board or if the bag is going to be a big pain to get around.  PLREASE let me know what you think.

3) Finishing the Rhinestones and touching up the costumes to make sure they are all on securely and in straight lines. Plus knowing where the closest Michaels is located….just in case.
4) Buy two extra tights for each style, extra eyelashes, and extra pairs of earrings.

5) Buy gluten-free food to bring so Leyla and I don’t starve (and have a map of all the stores that sell GF food close to where we are staying). 

6)  Call the competition company who holding the event and get an idea of the set up.  I heard from another mom that she thinks they have racks for us to put the costumes on.

                                                        Is there anything I’m missing?  I sure hope not!!



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