Four more days left until Leyla's dance competition.

January 17, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

I woke up this morning to a confirmation email that Leyla’s shoes were on their way! My poor child inherited my big feet and we could not find a place in Tucson who had her size jazz shoes in stock. I really hope they get here by Friday. While getting ready for work today I couldn't help but notice that all of Leyla’s costumes where hanging over chairs waiting to be finished being blinged out with Rhinestones. I came to the realization that they were not going to do it themselves, but I just cannot bring myself to do it!! Maybe it has to do with the lack of sleep Charlie and I have been getting thanks to Leyla's fussy two year old sister.
Today Leyla‘s is at her dad's house and it is his turn to take her to dance; which sucks for him because he has to bring her to class with a ponytail piece in her hair. For anyone who has no idea what I’m talking about it’s a long ponytail hair extension. I’m sure her dad has no idea how to put it on. Who am I kidding? I have no idea how to put it on. Ha Ha poor kid!  Should I meet him at the dance studio??  Then she can see dumb and dumber trying to put the hair piece on her.  All the girls on the dance team have beautiful hair. Why do we need to make things more complicated?  Did I mention that April, the dance teacher/owner, will make the parents of any child whose hair piece falls out do 100 V-ups? With all the competitions and performances coming up that may be the only form on exercise I get all year!! The girls on the dance team received their matching suitcases, jumpsuits, and sport bags with their names on them! I absolutely love them!!  I wish I could order a set for myself.  I can't wait for them to walk into a room together; if that doesn't intimidate their competition then I don't know what will!! =)

P.S.  Just as I was posting this update I received a call from my wonderful little girl....the dance shoes have to be blinged out too!  Plus, she lost a black leotard so now I have to pick one up...ching ching goes the ATM!!! Should I make her pay for her leotard???


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